{"AWRGd51kRwIvE61VS-q0":"Confirm","AWRksb8YnF_Mkwg-mLQt":"Instruction for overdose","AXo5uSfzFiejqoDw9guF":"The table below shows the different Covid-19 (CTPC) test prescription codes that have been assigned to you","COVID":{"JeVeuxAllerBelgique":"I want to travel to Belgium from abroad\r\n

Step 1: Passenger Locator Form (PLF)<\/strong><\/h2>\r\n\r\n

Complete the Passenger Locator Form (PLF)<\/a> if you have been abroad for more than 48 hours<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Assurez-vous d’être en possession des éléments suivants:
\r\n          -   un GSM où l'on peut vous joindre<\/p>\r\n\r\n


Step 2: Test if necessary<\/strong><\/h2>\r\n\r\n

You will receive a CTPC (Corona Test Prescription Code) by SMS if you need to be tested in accordance with the applicable rules. You can get tested in the following ways<\/a>. You can obtain your test result through these channels<\/a>.<\/p>","JeVeuxAllerEtranger":"I want to travel abroad from Belgium\r\n

Step 1: Analysis of the requirements of the destination country (countries)<\/b><\/h2>\r\n\r\n

Check the requirements of the destination country (countries). The latest information can always be found on the website of the FPS Foreign Affairs<\/a> and, for EU Member States, on the EU website<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n


Step 2: Make sure you have a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate<\/b><\/h2>\r\n\r\n

Make sure you have an EU digital certificate of vaccination, recovery or COVID-19 test proving that you meet the requirements set by the destination country or countries.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Please note<\/b>: the period during which an EU digital vaccination or COVID test certificate is considered valid, and the type of test (PCR test or rapid test) accepted during this period, vary depending on the destination country.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

If you need to be tested, you can request a CTPC (Corona Test Prescription Code)<\/a>. You can then view your test result via these channels<\/a>. If your test is negative, you can also download an EU Digital COVID Certificate via these channels<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

If you wish to download an EU digital COVID-19 vaccination or recovery certificate, you can do so via the CovidSafeBe app or via MyHealth.be<\/a>.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

On the CovidSafeBe<\/a> website, you can read how to install and use the CovidSafeBe app to download your digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Below, you can read how to download your EU digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate via a web application.<\/p>\r\n\r\n


Find out which situation you are in and how to download an EU Digital COVID Certificate<\/b><\/h2>\r\n\r\n

Situation 1: I live in Belgium and would like to download an EU Digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate for myself<\/a><\/p>\r\n\r\n

Situation 2: I live in Belgium and would like to download an EU Digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate for one of my children<\/a><\/p>\r\n\r\n


<\/a>Situation 1: <\/b>I live in Belgium and would like to download an EU Digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate for myself<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

You can download your EU digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate via this web application<\/a>. You must first log in with your electronic identity card or Itsme.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Make sure you have the following items:
\r\n          -   either an e-ID reader, your e-ID card and your pincode for your e-ID card
\r\n          -   or your mobile phone with the Itsme app and your Itsme pincode.<\/p>\r\n\r\n


<\/a>Situation 2<\/strong>: I live in Belgium and would like to download an EU Digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate for one of my children<\/h2>\r\n\r\n

You can download your EU digital COVID vaccination or recovery certificate via this web application<\/a>. You must first log in with your electronic identity card or Itsme.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Select your child's name in the "For my child" drop-down menu.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

Make sure you have the following items:
\r\n          -   either an e-ID reader, your e-ID card and your pincode for your e-ID card
\r\n          -   or your mobile phone with the Itsme app and your Itsme pincode.<\/p>"},"Covid19":{"prespription":{"request":{"form":{"phonenumerInfo":"

Did you know this? GovApp<\/a> replaces the current SMS notifications, which are short and not very user-friendly. GovApp<\/a> ensures that the message actually comes from the authorities, hence reducing the risk of fraudulent SMSes (phishing).<\/p>"}}}},"Features":"Feature","Loadmore":"Load more","Noleaflet":"No leaflet","Prescription":"Prescription","admin":{"cache":{"name":"CMS section"},"caches":{"title":"Caching"},"features":{"enabled":"Status : Disabled \/ Enabled","title":"Features \/ Functionalities","type":"Type of functionalities"},"mandates":{"mandate_types":{"MEDICAL_DATA_MANAGEMENT":"Medical data management","PARENT_CHILD":"Parent-child relationship","RECIP_E":"Prescriptions","mandate_types":"Types"},"tile_mandates":{"add":"Add","delete_tile_mandate":"Delete","edit_tile_mandate":"Edit","medical_data_sources":"Data sources","save":"Save","tileid":"Tile ID","title":"Mandates for tiles"},"topics":{"edit_topic_mandate":"Edit","save":"Save","title":"Mandates for domains","values":{"COVID19":"COVID-19","SUMEHR":"Summarized health record","THERAPEUTIC_RELATIONS":"Therapeutic relationships","VACCINATIONS":"Vaccinations"}}},"organisations":{"add":{"save":"Save","title":"Add an organization"},"confirmremove":"Are you sure you want to delete this organisztion?","empty":"No results found","enddate":"End date","error":{"add":"A problem occurred when adding the organization.","delete":"A problem occurred when the organization was deleted.","get":"A problem occurred during the recovery of the organization.","update":"An error occured while updating the organisation."},"id":"Identification number","idtype":"Type of identification","name":"Name","remove":"Delete the organisation","startdate":"Start date","title":"Management of authorised organisations","update":{"save":"Save organisation","title":"Update organisation"}}},"analytics":{"site_id":"9","tracker_script":"https:\/\/analytics.prd.pub.socialsecurity.be\/matomo.js","tracker_url":"https:\/\/analytics.prd.pub.socialsecurity.be\/matomo.php"},"confidentiality":{"content":"confidentiality contenu","title":"confidentiality titre"},"consent":{"campaign":{"gohere":"Manage access","intro":"

Sharing your medical record facilitates diagnoses and improves care.<\/p>\r\n\r\n

It's simple, confidential, and very secure.<\/p>","loggedin":"Do not hesitate and quickly discover how to manage access to your health data.","notloggedin":"Sign up and quickly discover how to manage access to your health data.","tile":{"access":{"content":"Only professionals declaring to be treating you can have access to your data. This access is only granted upon the creation of a \u201ctherapeutic relationship\u201d with you and registering it.","link":"","title":"Who will have access to my data?"},"confidentiality":{"content":"You can check at any time who has viewed your health data and ask for the\r\nreason(s) behind. Any doctor or health professional who had accessed them must be able to provide you with justifications.","link":"","title":"How do I know who has consulted my health data?"},"consult":{"content":"Your dentist can only consult relevant information to treat you properly. He\/She must always be able to justify the reasons behind looking into your data.","link":"","title":"Will my dentist know that I have intestinal problems?"},"control":{"content":"You decide with whom your health data is shared. This means that you can allow or deny access to a healthcare professional at any time.","link":"","title":"How can I stay in control?"},"employer":{"content":"Your data is well protected. Only registered healthcare providers who treat you can have access to it.","link":"","title":"Could my insurer or employer access my data?"},"exclusion":{"content":"If you would like to make sure that your neighbor does not consult your information, you can choose to exclude this person from the list of professionals with access to your shared data.","link":"","title":"Only professionals declaring to be treating you can have access to your data. This access is only granted upon the creation of a \u201ctherapeutic relationship\u201d with you and registering it."},"neversick":{"content":"You don't have to be sick to have a medical record. Your blood group, your vaccines or any allergies are also health data.","title":"Yes, but\u2026 What is the benefit of a medical record if I am never ill?"},"purpose":{"content":"Allowing healthcare professionals to exchange and share your health information is\r\ncrucial for you to receive the appropriate care based on your health situation.","link":"","title":"For what purpose?"},"yesbut":"yes, but..."},"video":{"source":"https:\/\/egezondheid.mediahaven.com\/index.php\/embed\/3094473ddad149688f1d08eb10299ce2e77b576c7757417eaf2ea38564b6ea5cac166e0d6e09477ba9795e41de5169ab?autoplay=1","title":"Consent campaign video"}}},"contact":"https:\/\/apps.health.belgium.be\/ordsm\/01\/f?p=120:13::CHANGELANGUAGE:YES::FSP_LANGUAGE_PREFERENCE:en","cookie":{"accept":"Accept","decline":"Refuse","disclaimer":"We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience.","more":{"title":"More information","url":"https:\/\/www.health.belgium.be\/sites\/default\/files\/uploads\/fields\/fpshealth_theme_file\/phv_rgb_29012020_v3.pdf"},"ok":"Continue"},"cookiesmanagement":{"management_script":"https:\/\/cdn.gcloud.belgium.be\/en\/X60pIn8BTbVbdHDCH6yR\/app.js","management_stylesheet":"https:\/\/cdn.gcloud.belgium.be\/en\/X60pIn8BTbVbdHDCH6yR\/style.css"},"covid19":{"certificate":{"common":{"download":{"action":"Download\/Print your certificate","unavailable":{"info":"To generate your certificate, please click on \"Request a certificate\".","inprogress":"Your application is being processed","request":"Request a certificate","retry":"Please try again","timeout":"oYur certificate request takes longer than expected","title":"Certificate not yet available"}},"status":{"ACTIVE":"Active","INACTIVE":"Inactive","REVOKED":"Revoked"},"type":{"RECOVERED":"Antibodies","TESTED_NEGATIVE":"Negative test","VACCINATION":"Vaccine"}},"details":{"common":{"ci":{"label":"Certificate ID"},"is":{"label":"Certificate issuer"},"tg":{"value":{"840539006":"COVID-19"}}},"error":{"general":"A problem was encountered when retrieving your certificate","notfound":"The certificate could not be found."},"recovery":{"co":{"label":"Test country"},"fr":{"label":"Date of first positive test result"}},"test":{"co":{"label":"Test country"},"ma":{"label":"Name and manufacturer of the RAT","value":{"1065":"Becton Dickinson, Veritor System Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2","1097":"Quidel Corporation, Sofia SARS Antigen FIA","1162":"Nal von minden GmbH, NADAL COVID-19 Ag Test","1173":"CerTest Biotec, S.L., CerTest SARS-CoV-2 Card test","1180":"MEDsan GmbH, MEDsan SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test","1218":"Siemens Healthineers, CLINITEST Rapid Covid-19 Antigen Test","1223":"BIOSYNEX SWISS SA, BIOSYNEX COVID-19 Ag BSS","1232":"Abbott Rapid Diagnostics, Panbio COVID-19 Ag Test","1242":"Bionote, Inc, NowCheck COVID-19 Ag Test","1244":"GenBody, Inc, Genbody COVID-19 Ag Test","1268":"LumiraDX UK Ltd, LumiraDx SARS-CoV-2 Ag Test","1271":"Precision Biosensor, Inc, Exdia COVID-19 Ag","1278":"Xiamen Boson Biotech Co. Ltd, Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card","1304":"AMEDA Labordiagnostik GmbH, AMP Rapid Test SARS-CoV-2 Ag","1331":"Beijing Lepu Medical Technology Co., Ltd, SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test Kit","1333":"Joinstar Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd, COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test (Colloidal Gold)","1341":"Qingdao Hightop Biotech Co., Ltd, SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Test (Immunochromatography)","1343":"Zhejiang Orient Gene Biotech, Coronavirus Ag Rapid Test Cassette (Swab)","1360":"Guangdong Wesail Biotech Co., Ltd, COVID-19 Ag Test Kit","1363":"Hangzhou Clongene Biotech Co., Ltd, Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit","1481":"MP Biomedicals Germany GmbH, Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card","1484":"Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co., Ltd, Wantai SARS-CoV-2 Ag Rapid Test (FIA)","1489":"Safecare Biotech (Hangzhou) Co. Ltd, COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test Kit (Swab)","1767":"Healgen Scientific Limited Liability Company, Coronavirus Ag Rapid Test Cassette","344":"SD BIOSENSOR Inc, STANDARD F COVID-19 Ag FIA","345":"SD BIOSENSOR Inc, STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag Test"}},"nm":{"label":"Name of test NAA"},"sc":{"label":"Date\/time of sample collection"},"tc":{"label":"Test centre"},"tr":{"label":"Test result","value":{"260373001":"Detected","260415000":"Not detected"}},"tt":{"label":"Type of test"}},"title":"Certificate COVID-19","vaccination":{"co":{"label":"Vaccination country"},"dn":{"label":"Dose number"},"dt":{"label":"Vaccination date"},"ma":{"label":"Manufacturer","value":{"Bharat-Biotech":"Bharat Biotech","Gamaleya-Research-Institute":"Gamaleya Research Institute","ORG-100001417":"Janssen-Cilag\u00a0International","ORG-100001699":"AstraZeneca AB","ORG-100006270":"Curevac AG","ORG-100010771":"Sinopharm\u00a0Weiqida\u00a0Europa\u00a0Pharmaceutical\u00a0s.r.o.-Prague","ORG-100013793":"CanSino Biologics","ORG-100020693":"China Sinopharm International Corp - Beijing","ORG-100024420":"Sinopharm\u00a0Zhijun\u00a0(Shenzhen)\u00a0Pharmaceutical\u00a0Co.\u00a0Ltd.-Shenzhen","ORG-100030215":"Biontech Manufacturing GmbH","ORG-100031184":"Moderna Biotech Spain S.L.","ORG-100032020":"Novavax CZ AS","Sinovac-Biotech":"Sinovac Biotech","Vector-Institute":"Vector Institue"}},"mp":{"value":{"BBIBP-CorV":"BBIBP-CorV","CVnCoV":"CVnCoV","Convidecia":"Convidecia","CoronaVac":"CoronaVac","Covaxin":"Covaxin (also known as BBV152 A, B, C)","EU\/1\/20\/1507":"Vaccine COVID-19 Moderna","EU\/1\/20\/1525":"Vaccin COVID-19 Janssen","EU\/1\/20\/1528":"Comirnaty","EU\/1\/21\/1529":"Vaxzevria","EpiVacCorona-V":"EpiVacCorona","Inactivated-SARS-CoV-2-Vero-Cell":"Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 (Vero cell)","Sputnik-V":"Sputnik-V"}},"sd":{"label":"Total number of doses"},"vp":{"label":"Vaccine\/prophylaxis","value":{"1119305005":"SARS-CoV2 antigenic vaccine","1119349007":"SARS-CoV2 mRNA vaccine","J07BX03":"COVID-19 vaccines"}}}},"info":"A COVID certificate proves that someone:\r\n